When a lock breaks, everyone knows to replace it. However, there are a slew of indicators that it’s time to upgrade your hardware beyond the lock’s functioning. There are times in your life when the conditions surrounding your security change, and locks must be adjusted to reflect the change.

Moving into a new house

It’s always a good idea to change the locks on your new house so you don’t have to worry about all of the other keys. Not only something the previous owner may have had, but that the previous owner may have lent out over time. Because there is no way to know a home’s security history, do not carry over any previous weaknesses. You can’t rely on the homeowner’s word because they may be unaware of certain dangers. For example, the realtor is likely to have made extra keys in order to show the house, take photos, prepare it, and so on.

Changing tenants

Someone can be moving out even if you aren’t moving in. Renters may hand in their keys, but that does not mean they are handing over every copy they have made. Even if your keys include “do not duplicate” markings, this is insufficient to assure that no copies were made. Self-serve key cutting machines are accessible in most hardware stores, and they will copy anything as long as the machine has a blank on hand.

Ending relationships

Former partner has nearly unrestricted access to your life and locks. When the relationship ends, it’s time to say goodbye to that access. One of the lessons that lottery winners have taught us about security is that even our closest friends and family members can hurt us if they feel rejected. If you’re going to stop communicating with someone or remove them from your life, change your locks to protect yourself.


Although an overly obsessed person is not necessarily the result of a broken relationship, it is a good idea to change locks if you are being pursued in this manner. Instead of replacing your lock to change access, you’re seeking to improve the security of your door. A lock change is one technique to accomplish this. This isn’t the end of your efforts, but it’s a solid start.


Changing your locks is one of the most critical things you can do after a crime. This should be done to improve both security and accessibility. Many people are unaware that burglarised homes are more likely to be targeted again. This is due to the fact that information about easy targets spreads swiftly among the tiny networks of career criminals.


When forceful evictions are carried out, locksmiths are almost always present. However, it is critical not to rely on them alone to get access to the house, but also to replace the locks. Even if the evicted tenant returns all reported keys, there’s still the possibility that another was created.

Staff changes

This may appear to be more appropriate for workplace security, yet there are various circumstances in which paid personnel may visit a house. Many homeowners will have non-residents with semi-permanent access to their homes, whether it’s construction crews, gardeners, house sitters, or housekeepers. You should replace your lock whenever your contractor changes.

Athena Locksmith provides Locksmith Services in West Bradenton, Florida. Our services include residential, commercial as well as automotive services. Call us at 941.208.9997 to book a locksmith service today.